Every adolescent wants to be loved.
At this youth group, our mission is that they will be, and that the love they’re shown will point them back to Jesus. |
From Our
2024 Youth Mission Trip
Confirmation occurs at a time in a teens life when they are “coming of age” and beginning to make decisions about the world they’ve been brought up in and what they will take with them into adult life. Confirmation gives teens a chance to take a hard look at their Christian faith, ask questions, dig deep and make a decision as to whether or not they want to embrace for themselves (i.e. “confirm”) the Christian faith they’ve been brought up in. All confirmands are asked to be honest, real and open minded. No one is required to be confirmed at the end of the program if they do not want to or are not ready yet..
Questions?...Contact Pastor Josh |
Teen Mission TripsEvery year our teens do a mission trip alternating between local and out of state or even country. They raise the funds for their trips and often find it life changing. They have been to Texas, North Carolina, Mexico, Louisiana (after hurricane Katrina), New Jersey (after hurricane Sandy), Appalachia and several local missions in Worcester MA.
Teen Discipleship GroupsAfter their Confirmation our teens need a place to continue to explore their faith. A Discipleship group provides a safe space to question and dig deeper.
Location |