We are a community who worships God together.
Our goal is to make worship meaningful, engaging and relevant to life. Our worship service lasts about 75 minutes each Sunday and contains a blend of traditional and contemporary elements.
Our goal is to make worship meaningful, engaging and relevant to life. Our worship service lasts about 75 minutes each Sunday and contains a blend of traditional and contemporary elements.
Communion in Worship
Communion is celebrated monthly on the first Sunday of every month. This service tends to be quieter, more traditional and a little bit longer. All who humbly desire Christ are welcome at our table regardless of where they come from. Children are welcome to participate at their parent's discernment. "First Communion" is part of our Junior Disciples program for 2nd - 5th graders. |
Children in Worship
We welcome children in our worship service. They are an important part of our worshipping community. Children begin in worship with their family and then leave for Sunday School after the first 20-30 minutes. |
Can't Make It Sunday?
* Watch Online
* See our Sunday Worship on TV
on Holden Cable Chanel 191 Sunday @ 10:00am Wednesday @ 2:30 & 7:00 pm (one week delayed) |